
The Force Is Strong In This One

My older brother, Ryan, was born with a heart condition. While my younger brother and I were involved in sports, my mom took Ryan off to a modeling agency and acting lessons. With Ryan's condition he couldn't really play sports, so it gave him something to be involved in.

It turned out Ryan had a "star personality" and being in front of a camera was natural for him. He did several print and TV commercials.

Whenever he would get paid, he would take my younger brother and me to Toys R Us and we'd all get to buy toys. Transformers, GI Joe, and Star Wars toys would have epic battles in our playroom.

Ryan had a big interest in the Star Wars movies as well as the toys, and over the years we had a large amount of Star Wars toys.

After Ryan passed away, my father continued on with the collection. Everyone began to help and birthdays, father's days, every Christmas, my father would get more and more pieces to add to his collection.

Recently my parents have decided it's time to look into letting go of the collection. Time to move on, if you will. My father isn't sure he's ready to part with it, but he is really interested in learning what it's worth.

I reached out to "The Toyhunter" from the travel channel on Twitter and the show contacted my mom the next day.

I decided to see if perhaps social media and my online connections might also be able to help.

Do you know George Lucas? ;) Or someone who'd be interested and accredited to assess the monetary value of this emotionally priceless Star Wars collection?

Leave your email address in the comments or contact me on Twitter @rogermichaelm

May the Force Be with You.

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