
Mashable's List of Helpful Crowdsourcing Platforms

Recently I went on a quest to find out more about "crowdsourcing". I came across a few definitions and several articles but the one I found most interesting was a post on Mashable called, "5 Crowdsourcing Platforms Every Developer Should Know" by Marcus Thielking.

I found the post interesting because it revealed to me that crowdsourcing is a greater tool than I realized. Pulling data from multiple apps and sources to help you better understand and develop your own product or app was taking the concept to a new step for me.

Previously, I thought of crowdsourcing as the internet's answer to a "Focus Group". As useful and valuable as some focus group data can be, there's also a lot of variables that can skew focus group data.

The Mashable post by Thielking opens up a truer and more poignant examination of crowdsourcing. How these new and innovative technologies are fueled, built and made better through pooling data from one another to make a bigger better apple cart.

Have you used crowdsourcing to market or develop your business? I'd love to hear your story, leave a comment on this post, or tweet me @rogermichaelm

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