
Mashable's List of Helpful Crowdsourcing Platforms

Recently I went on a quest to find out more about "crowdsourcing". I came across a few definitions and several articles but the one I found most interesting was a post on Mashable called, "5 Crowdsourcing Platforms Every Developer Should Know" by Marcus Thielking.

I found the post interesting because it revealed to me that crowdsourcing is a greater tool than I realized. Pulling data from multiple apps and sources to help you better understand and develop your own product or app was taking the concept to a new step for me.

Previously, I thought of crowdsourcing as the internet's answer to a "Focus Group". As useful and valuable as some focus group data can be, there's also a lot of variables that can skew focus group data.

The Mashable post by Thielking opens up a truer and more poignant examination of crowdsourcing. How these new and innovative technologies are fueled, built and made better through pooling data from one another to make a bigger better apple cart.

Have you used crowdsourcing to market or develop your business? I'd love to hear your story, leave a comment on this post, or tweet me @rogermichaelm


The Force Is Strong In This One

My older brother, Ryan, was born with a heart condition. While my younger brother and I were involved in sports, my mom took Ryan off to a modeling agency and acting lessons. With Ryan's condition he couldn't really play sports, so it gave him something to be involved in.

It turned out Ryan had a "star personality" and being in front of a camera was natural for him. He did several print and TV commercials.

Whenever he would get paid, he would take my younger brother and me to Toys R Us and we'd all get to buy toys. Transformers, GI Joe, and Star Wars toys would have epic battles in our playroom.

Ryan had a big interest in the Star Wars movies as well as the toys, and over the years we had a large amount of Star Wars toys.

After Ryan passed away, my father continued on with the collection. Everyone began to help and birthdays, father's days, every Christmas, my father would get more and more pieces to add to his collection.

Recently my parents have decided it's time to look into letting go of the collection. Time to move on, if you will. My father isn't sure he's ready to part with it, but he is really interested in learning what it's worth.

I reached out to "The Toyhunter" from the travel channel on Twitter and the show contacted my mom the next day.

I decided to see if perhaps social media and my online connections might also be able to help.

Do you know George Lucas? ;) Or someone who'd be interested and accredited to assess the monetary value of this emotionally priceless Star Wars collection?

Leave your email address in the comments or contact me on Twitter @rogermichaelm

May the Force Be with You.


Pacifica Off the Path

I grew up in a small town south of San Francisco, but before you reach Half Moon Bay. Highway 1 runs right through it, so if you are in the city and headed the Santa Cruz, (on the scenic route), you'll drive right through it. It's a beautiful town, with beaches, interesting characters, and tons of fog. If you aren't a fan of the cold weather, bring a coat or a sweater cause there aren't very many days over 70 degrees. http://colombosdeli.com/CMS/index.php

There are three spots you MUST eat if you ever travel to Pacifica. First is Colombo's Deli. They cook their own roast beef and turkey on the premises and make all the breads fresh. They have tons of Boars Head Meats and Cheeses, and amazing freshly made salads and side dishes. I recommend a roast beef and swiss on a French Roll with the deli mustard. You will not regret it. There's a beach about 15 steps away, so you can stop in and get a sandwich, say hi to Emil Jr. and go and eat the amazingness while enjoying the beach and the ocean. 

The next is Good Fellas Pizza. Great Food, Great Service, and Fun Decor. The pizza won't cost more that the big chains but it'll taste amazing. They've got a young friendly staff, an owner who will know you by name the next time you come in, and pastas to die for. It's located in a small strip mall, next to a supermarket, so you might not expect it to be awesome, but it is. http://www.goodfellaspizzapasta.com/

Lastly, the perfect place for the sweet tooth in your family. Mazetti's Bakery. It's been around 38 years, so just a little longer than I've been alive. Every Sunday after church my Dad would take us there for these amazing chocolate brownies. My mother would slap me if she read this, but the brownies at Mazetti's are better than any brownie I have ever tasted. They have a huge assortment of fresh baked goods and are even a favorite for wedding cakes. If you haven't been to Mazetti's, you haven't really been to Pacifica. http://www.mazzettisbakery.com/#!about

There's my look at some of the spots off of the main path you will want to visit the next time you are cruising down the Highway 1. Be sure to leave me a comment if you visit, and let me know what you thought, or if there's a place in Pacifica you think should have made my top 3. Happy Travels and Full Bellies to you!