
All I Skype For Christmas...

It's gonna happen....

That's what people, my friends, would tell me. Whenever I was down about the two things that used to make me down the most.

#1. No girlfriend. Well as of three or so months ago, that's become true. I was plain sure that I just wasn't the kinda guy anyone but my Mom could love, and that was a fickle as a kid in a candy store. But it has. It has happened. "They" were right. The second I stopped looking, and in a place I never would have thought of, it happened. I have never been "more up".

#2 No career/job?famousness. I don't have a "job". That causes a ton of stress and struggle, but, I was able to become a Production and Imaging Intern for the Spring Semester back at MOViN 997. I'm working under a man who's been successful at radio for more years than I have been alive. He's an awesome mentor, and maybe even a really good friend.

as far as famousness, I guess I've realized in doing a random little podcast with some friends out of a dorm room and having the time of my life, I don't so much care about famous. I thought I did before, but I don't. I just like being funny and making people laugh. Even if it's only 9, or 19 people at a time.

Check us out Live, on Sundays at 8:30 at www. midnightpancakes.com

This week will be out first "It's a Skype Special Christmas-a-sode"

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