
ABC Tech Writer says Zuckerberg's Billionaire Status is short lived...

"Michael S. Malone is one of the nation's best-known technology writers." That's according to his tagline bio thing at the end of a recent rambling posted on ABC News/Money website regarding Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg. It's a long drawn out article that shows that time may be a friend of cigars and wine, being an aged tech writer maybe not so much.

You can check out the ageist Zucker-bashing here: http://tiny.cc/bashofzucker

Or just tell me what you think? Should a Harvard kid surrounded by controversy be less deserving of his billionaire status than the Silicon giants before him? Does it matter that Facebook started from a few other failed ideas? Is it important that the ownership and creation of Facebook has been under legal scrutiny?

Jealousy is a part of culture and society, but I would say to Mr. Michael S. Malone, that it has no place in journalism.

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