
What can you do?

How to help...

...some ideas on ways to make an impact or help change the statistics...


Marijuana - The perfect medication for Autism?

Marijuana might be legalized in California. Is it just a way for Oaksterdam University to increase enrollment or could pot be used in treating Autism? Listen to Sam's Story, tell me what you think...?


LGBT Center

In the wake of the recent media coverage on the LGBT bullying and suicides, I decided to do a piece for my midterm to help spread the word about the LGBT Center and the work they do...

This is the link to the YouTube of my story...


USA Today Talks to God...?


In the link above is an article that raises some interesting questions and observations. Does your paradigm and understanding of God directly effect your worldview? Is this obvious? What do you think?

Are issues like equality in marriage or the right for an individual to "marry" whomever they want connected to God?

According to the article 65% of people who consider themselves distant from God consider homosexuality an inborn trait. It's almost the reverse in people who consider God "authoritative". (Meaning 56% of those consider homosexuality a choice.)

Don't we learn to identify "what's what" from what we are taught as we develop? If the way society thinks of homosexuality is created by what we are taught in our personal development, what does that say about culture and the bible?


ABC Tech Writer says Zuckerberg's Billionaire Status is short lived...

"Michael S. Malone is one of the nation's best-known technology writers." That's according to his tagline bio thing at the end of a recent rambling posted on ABC News/Money website regarding Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg. It's a long drawn out article that shows that time may be a friend of cigars and wine, being an aged tech writer maybe not so much.

You can check out the ageist Zucker-bashing here: http://tiny.cc/bashofzucker

Or just tell me what you think? Should a Harvard kid surrounded by controversy be less deserving of his billionaire status than the Silicon giants before him? Does it matter that Facebook started from a few other failed ideas? Is it important that the ownership and creation of Facebook has been under legal scrutiny?

Jealousy is a part of culture and society, but I would say to Mr. Michael S. Malone, that it has no place in journalism.

Sea of Pink - What do you think?

There's a ton of stories about this right now, my friends at Go Inspire Go highlight a start to positive change, what do you think? Pink Shirts? Solidarity? Is internet bullying and suicide an epidemic?
